1. Which of the following statements is true with respect to Time zones and Date formats?
• Time zone and Date format are supported at the User level/Account level.
• Time zone and Date format are supported at the Application level.
• Time zone and Date format are supported at the Form level.
• None of the above
58 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:
(hold on, will be updated soon)2. Is the contains operator in deluge case sensitive?
• Yes
• No
3. List the type of filters supported in Views?
• Base criteria, Custom Filters and Auto-Filters
• Base criteria only.
• Base criteria and Custom filters
4. State if the following statement is true/false:
"Zoho Creator automatically tracks details about when and by whom a record was added or modified".
• True
• False
5. When you deploy your application in marketplace,
i)you should pay in order to deploy your app in marketplace.
ii)you should give a percentage of the application selling income to ZohoCreator.
• i alone is correct
• ii alone is correct
• Both are correct
• Both are incorrect
6. In Deluge, Collection variables hold one or more records fetched from a form, based on a given criterion, sort by and range.
• True
• False
7. Which of the following views supports Search, Sort and Filter?
• Grid View
• List View
• Summary View
• HTML View
8. Which of the following actions is performed by the Deluge syntax "input.formdata"?
• Used in the Send mail task, it sends the form data with the email message.
• It adds data to the form via email.
9. In which of the following scenarios is support for redirecting a Form to another page supported?
• On form load
• On form submit
• On form success
• All of the above
• None of the above
10. How can you provide public access to your forms without access to data?
• Make application public and view private
• Make application private and select Forms - change to public.
• Make forms and views private
11. Which of the following fields is used to display descriptions in your form?
• Single line text field
• Multi-line text field
• Add notes field
12. You can create Forms in such a way that Data can either be stored in ZC or not.
• Yes
• No
13. Zoho Creator supports role based sharing and unsharing.
• True
• False
14. What does the Deluge syntax "input.fieldName" refer to?
• The user input field value before storing in DB
• The user input field value after storing in DB
15. Which of the following statements is "not true"?
• You can import data to an existing view.
• You can import data only when a new view is created.
16. State whether True or False
"You can restrict the number of entries in a Lookup field by specifying criteria".
• True
• False
17. Can you post data to external websites using deluge script?
• No, posting data to external websites is not supported.
• Yes, you can.
18. An HTML View comprises _________.
• only HTML code
• HTML and Deluge Scripting
• only Deluge Scripting
19. Which of the following criteria is used to view only the records added by the logged in user?
• Added_User == zoho.loginuser
• AddedUser == zoho.loginuserid
• Added_User=zoho.user
20. Is the following statement correct?
A database application has two forms - "Product" and "Orders". The forms are related by a column called "ProductID". You can create a combined view which displays data from both the forms.
• No, you cannot create a combined view.
• Yes, you can create a combined view from the "Product" view.
• Yes, you can create a combined view from the "Orders" view.
21. Which of the following field types supports the selectAll() and deselectAll() Deluge task?
• Single select field type
• Multi select field type
• Both a and b
22. When a form is submitted, in which of the following scenarios is the "Validate" action in it triggered?
• Before storing the record in the db
• After storing the record in the db
• Neither of the above
23. What is the default view supported by Zoho Creator?
• Grid View
• List View
• Summary View
• HTML View
24. What are Custom Actions?
• Actions performed on records in a view
• Actions performed on form data
25. Which of the following action is performed by the Deluge syntax - field:ui.add();
• It adds a new record to your form.
• It adds a new field to your form.
• It adds an item to a picklist.
26. In addition to application level sharing, individual tab, form and view can also be shared.
• Yes
• No
27. State which of the following statements is "not true":
• The criterion "rec = formName[ID != 0]" fetches all the records in the form.
• The criterion "rec = formName[ID != 0]" fetches only specific records in the form.
28. How can you submit data to your ZC form?
• From the Form GUI
• By sending an e-mail
• From a Deluge Script
• From a third party app
• All of the above
29. When is the Hide/Show Deluge task executed?
• Only when form is loaded
• Only when form is submitted
• When form is loaded or a field value is updated
• When form is loaded or submitted
30. The Fetch record task in deluge supports___________.
• sorting, grouping and range
• sorting alone
• sorting and range alone
• None of the above.
31. Can shared users modify the application structure. (i.e) the forms, views and scripts configured in the Edit mode?
• Yes, if the user is configured as a "Developer"
• No, only the app owner can modify the application structure
32. In ZC terminology, the data submitted through a Form is displayed as _________.
• Views
• a Script
• Reports
33. Which of the following statements is true?
• You can create a new application by importing a Deluge script file.
• You can create a new application by importing data from an XML file.
• You can create a new application by importing data from an Excel file.
• You can create a new application by importing data from an XML/Excel file.
• You can create a new application by importing data from an Excel file or by importing a Deluge script file.
34. How can you view the script definition of your ENTIRE Application?
• By copying the application as a .ds file
• By selecting the Free-flow scripting option from the Script tab
• Neither of the above
35. Creating dashboards for your application is supported in______.
• List View
• Script View
• HTML view
• Grid View
36. Which of the following Zoho variables returns the app owner name?
• zoho.login_user
• zoho.loginuserid
• zoho.adminuser
• zoho.appowner
37. Can the delete record task in scripting be configured without any criteria?
• No, a criterion is a must.
• Yes, it can be run without any criteria.
38. You can invoke user-defined functions from______.
• form and field actions
• form actions, field actions and custom actions in views
• form actions, field actions and HTML views
39. Which of the following statements is true?
• You can invoke email notifications only on form actions.
• You can invoke email notifications on form and field actions.
• You can invoke email notifications only on field actions.
• You can invoke email notifications on form actions, on field actions and on views through custom functions.
• You can invoke email notifications only on views, through custom functions.
40. When a form is submitted, in which of the following scenarios is the OnSuccess action in it triggered?
• Before storing the record in the db
• After storing the record in the db
• Neither of the above
41. Select the Deluge expression that returns the total number of records in the Employee form.
• EmpCount=tot(Employee);
• EmpCount=count(Employee);
42. The URL format to open a form with default values is ______.
• http://creator.zoho.com/<app owner name>/<app name>/#Form:FormName?<FieldName1>=<value1>
• http://creator.zoho.com/<app owner name>/<app name>/<FormName>/<FieldName1>=<value1>
• http://creator.zoho.com/<app name>/<FormName>/<FieldName1>=<value1>
43. Which of the following field types is used to create relationship between forms in Zoho Creator?
• Drop-down
• Lookup
• Check-box
44. What happens when a function is called recursively without any terminating condition?
• The user account is blocked for abuse by Creator team.
• The loop executes infinitely for ever.
• The loop is kept under check by the statement limit restriction in deluge.
• The user level memory shoots and the function stops due to stock overflow.
45. Which among the following is not true regarding a lookup column?
• A lookup column is a field in a table the value of which is retrieved from another table.
• A lookup column cannot be used to display a list of choices in a combo box or a list box.
• A lookup column can be added by drag-n-drop of the "Lookup" field type and specifying the App name and Field name from which it needs to be retrieved.
46. What is the Customize Tab used for?
• To customize the application logic
• To customize the application layout and themes
47. Which of the following is not a functionality of Stateless forms?
• To generate dynamic HTML views
• To update data in the current form
• To fetch and display data from other forms
48. Which of the following statements refers to a "Zoho Creator Public Application"?
• Everyone with a Zoho account can access the app.
• Everyone with/without a Zoho account can access the app.
• Everyone within a Business domain can access the app.
49. Zoho Creator supports api for various operations. Choose the style of api supported in zoho creator
• REST api
• RPC api
• Both REST and RPC
• None of the above
50. When does an "on update script" get executed?
• Before storing the updated data in the db
• After storing the updated data in the db
• Neither of the above
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